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Honoré de Balzac (1799 - 1850)  

Honore de Balzac (he added the "de", he was not a noble), was born in 1800 and died in 1850 of caffeine poisoning.
Without the aid of a computer, or even a typewriter, he wrote over 100 novels, (The Human Comedy) between midnight and 6 AM during the last 20 years of his life, after trying to be a dramatist (and failing miserably). He would drink cup after cup of thick Turkish coffee and write furiously on sheets of blue paper by candlelight, always only a few steps ahead of his creditors (he was a shopaholic).
The tapestry of character and detail of environment he wove are unparalleled among the novelists of his time, or any other. It could be argued that he was the French Dickens. He, however, never married and left no progeny. His most famous works include Pere Goriot, Eugenie Grandet and Cousin Bette, from which a mediocre movie was recently made.

creu tot el que et diguin del món; res no és massa horrible com per ser impossible
la burocràcia és un mecanisme gegant gestionat per pigmeus
la durada de la passió és proporcional a la resistència inicial de la dona
la soledat és una cosa agradable, però necessitem que algú ens diga que ho és
les lleis són teranyines que les mosques grosses travessen i on les petites queden atrapades
no és pas escandalós que alguns banquers vagin a parar a la presó, és escandalós que tots els altres estiguin en llibertat